Art Map
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Participate or propose group visits to art venues, such as Art Galleries, Museums, Foundations or Artist Studios.
Learn the research of the most famous contemporary artists
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Who we are
Born in 2022, is a platform that considers contemporary art as the cultural heritage of tomorrow, dedicating itself to the exploration of the work of visual artists, with the aim of paying homage to their work, preserving their ideas and sharing knowledge.
The sections of the platform are:
1. Map spaces such as art galleries, museums, artist studios and foundations.
Art Map
2. Participate or propose group visits to exhibitions on the community.
Art Tour
3. List of professionals specialized in Art such as Art Advisors, Insurers, Lawyers, Framers, Restorers and Photographers.
Art Services
4. Disseminate the artists' research through previous texts.
5. Get rewards in ixart coin through the Gift Card, credit them on the platform and redeem prizes.
The aim is to simplify the approach to art in every phase, from learning, to purchasing, to maintaining, to conserving and selling works of art, by grouping together the basic information useful to every type of collector or operator in the sector.
Institutions, galleries, archives and artists can contribute by sending information to the platform.